Trish McEvoy





在纽约,Trish McEvoy凭借高超的技术,针对各种年龄、种族的顾客,量身定做妆容,因此深受美国女性们的推崇。以她名字命名的化妆品牌,无论是护肤品还是彩妆,都坚持自己的特色,不为潮流所动,最终在美国获得了巨大的成功。
Trish McEvoy的丈夫是一位皮肤科医生,这个品牌的产品曾一度只能在他的诊所里买到。现在,他们的产品已经能够在诸如Bergdorf Goodman和Saks fifth Avenue这样的高级百货商店里买到。而Trish McEvoy丈夫的诊所——Trish McEvoy skin care center如今也成为众多模特和女影星热力追捧的地方。

Beauty maven Trish McEvoy revolutionized makeup application in the 1970s with the advent of makeup brushes shaped to simplify and enhance makeup application. With her husband, renowned dermatologist Dr. Ronald Sherman, she opened the doors of the Dr. Ronald Sherman/Trish McEvoy Skin Care Center in New York in 1978 and pioneered the marriage of beauty and science that is now an industry standard. For more than three decades Trish has been committed to the creation of the highest quality products while putting professional makeup application skills in every woman's hands through her unique teaching program. The invention of her iconic Makeup Planner in the early 1990s established Trish's place as the author of makeup organization and functionality. Through countless public appearances Trish and her team have a grassroots, one-woman-at-a-time approach to teaching makeup applications that work and stripping away the inessential clutter from our makeup bags, beauty routines and lives. Providing life-enhancing solutions and portability to women remains Trish's raison d'etre. Her guiding philosophy is that women should be able to maintain a standard of beauty to live their best lives each day and not be obligated to sacrifice their beauty because of the constraints of time, space and the natural changes that occur  with age


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