十二月坊 鲜果效能调理晚霜
十二月坊 鲜果效能调理晚霜
十二月坊 鲜果效能调理晚霜
  • 参考价 ¥0.00
  • 规 格
保湿 补水


产品名称 鲜果效能调理晚霜 功效 保湿 补水
品牌 十二月坊 化妆品规格
系列名 个人洗护 上市时间

◆鲜果复合精华:为肌肤补充日常更新所需的各种营养成分,舒缓肌肤压力,缓解老化现象。  ◆人参提取液:奢华人参精华能有效激活肌肤底层细胞,令肌肤时刻保持活力四射的细腻美态。 用后效果:产品滋润保湿,用后肌肤嫩滑、莹亮,使饱受日间环境、化妆等因素煎熬的娇嫩肌肤得到清新的舒缓。   Efficiency: ◆Fresh fruit compound essence: Replenish nutrition for regenerating cells, relieve ageing skin. ◆Ginseng essence: Effectively supply nutrition and water for skin; repair skin problems caused by external environment and makeup. Effect after use: Moisturize skin, make skin tender, smooth and bright after use, relieve ageing skin obviously after persistent use.